domingo, 11 de julio de 2010

Cornbread Recipe Gluten Free

Receta de pan de maíz sin gluten para celíacos

Cornbread Recipe Gluten Free

Corn bread recipe gluten free for celiac. Bread is a common food in daily diet, this is a problem for celiacs, who often find it difficult to find so easily, as the economic cost involved is high.

This is a recipe easy to prepare and gives very good results and may adapt the size of the pieces chosen.


- 200 grams of corn flour
- 500 grams of cornstarch
- 40 grams of baker's yeast
- 15 grams of lard
- 2 cups water
- Sal

How to prepare

Heat two cups of water and crumble the yeast in it and stir to dilute, wait 10 minutes for foaming

Scrub Mix ingredients, flour, cornstarch, salt and finally break up the butter and knead well until butter is completely undone.

Make a hole in the center and pour the yeast water, knead well until dough is smooth. Workplace Sprinkle with cornstarch and knead for at least 10 minutes.

Wrap in cling film and leave in a warm place for about an hour, until doubled in volume. After this time you can re-knead to remove air bubbles and then, to the desired shape.

Put in oven at medium-high heat until the pieces are well done.

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